Summer essentials for every shopper

Summer essentials for every shopper

With August well underway, families are maximizing the final weeks of summer squeezing in pool parties and dinner time grilling. Our independent retailers across the country are helping online shoppers discover the items they need for any event, from burgers to brats, Weekly Ad specials, and more.

But don't wait for customers to plan for their next summer gathering - remind them of all the inventory you have ready and waiting. Rosie's easy-to-use retailer tools - Marketing Panels, Collections, and Direct Linking - all give you full control on what products to push to your shoppers any time of the day.

Step 1: Create a memorable Collection

Your store is different than any other grocer - that's what makes you special. Assemble your online store pages in a way that helps you advertise products that makes sense for your brand and any relevant holidays and events.

This store example highlights "Summer Favorites" and offers customers everything from desserts to beverages, produce and condiments - all in one spot! Save your customers time and help them build a robust basket filled with anything they could possibly need.

Picture of online grocery store advertising summer products

Step 2: Share your online store pages - more eyes, more revenue!

Now that you have an online page that contains all the items you want, make sure to share that page with your shoppers - how else will they know you have all these fantastic products ready for purchase?

Facebook post of Summer Favorites online store
  • Post on Facebook
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  • For pages that won't change (maybe a Collection around a holiday or big event), create a QR code and flyer to pass out to customers in-store.

The takeaway? Help your shoppers discover your products - don't wait for them to find your site and navigate to one of your pages. As families prepare to head back to school, shoppers appreciate all the support and direction possible - all of which you can do in two easy steps!

Need help getting started with Collections or want to learn more about Rosie ecommerce? Reach out today.

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