Rosie Selected as 2020 Economic Champion by CenterState Corporation for Economic Opportunity

Rosie Selected as 2020 Economic Champion by CenterState Corporation for Economic Opportunity

Ithaca, NY (November 24, 2020) – Rosie, the leading ecommerce solution for independent retailers and wholesalers, has been recognized as one of Central New York’s leading contributors to economic development by CenterState Corporation for Economic Opportunity (CEO), an independent economic development strategist and business leadership organization.

Earlier this year, organizations were nominated for categories that demonstrated their resilience and innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The nomination criteria for 2020 Economic Champions included:

  • having hired new employees;
  • expanded, relocated or made capital investments due to growth;
  • received a local, statewide or national award;
  • celebrated a significant milestone or anniversary.

After seeing a 900 percent increase in retailers signing on to the Rosie platform, Rosie almost tripled its team to support the growing number of retailers being onboarded since the beginning of March. Approximately 50 percent of new hires were from Central and Upstate New York.

“We’re honored to be recognized as an economic growth leader in Central New York,” said Nick Nickitas, Founder & CEO. “As the demand for grocery ecommerce grew, we rapidly expanded our team to support independent grocers across the nation to better serve their communities. We’re continuing to grow our team with talented individuals who share Rosie’s commitment to driving entrepreneurship and innovation in Upstate New York.”

CenterState CEO congratulated winning companies and organizations at its virtual Economic Champions Celebration event on November 19, 2020, where nominees learned how businesses are moving the region’s economy forward throughout the pandemic.

Since the company’s inception in 2013, Rosie has built relationships with hundreds of retailers nationwide, standing by a mission of delivering smart, delightfully easy online groceries. Through strategic partnerships across the country, Rosie connects independent retailers with new customers through an agile, ecommerce platform and seamless omnichannel experience.

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