Meet Carrie Rebello

Meet Carrie Rebello

Winter is coming. As we bundle up and enjoy more meals at home, our team has started to think about the holidays and how we can prepare independent grocers and their customers to dine in a safe and convenient fashion.

In preparation for this change, our Product Manager, Carrie Rebello, has been hard at work developing tools to help retailers deliver delight. We sat down with Carrie to learn more about her background and understand how she plays a key role in Rosie’s new solution to everything from quick-serve to party platters.

Our first interview with an Ohio-based Rosian! What brought you to the team?

I started my career as a manager, working my way up through the different levels of management, right around the time the tech was booming. I was young and energetic, so I accepted a job that nobody else wanted: creating a website for a bank.

This first project made me realize I love the process of taking something from words on a napkin to a product that people actually use. I would take on projects that most people would call lost causes and then try to deliver them.

For me, joining Rosie was the opportunity to work for an organization I truly believed in. Before, I’d worked for banks or healthcare. With Rosie, the mission is focused on supporting independent businesses, which have proven essential during these challenging times.

What is your role, and typical day-to-day?

In my current role, I support the software development life cycle from beginning to end - specifically via project management. What starts as an idea, I help guide our team through the process so our partners and internal team can use our new products as quickly and efficiently as possible. Right now, my biggest project is Cater, which I’ve been working on closely with our team of developers and retailer partners.

What’s cookin’ at Rosie as you head into the new year?

In general, Rosie wants to give small and independent grocers the tools they need to deliver a better offering than the big players: a local, retailer-branded experience. What we’re building now is a product that will be scalable in the future, where retailers can offer more than just meals: customized florals, seasonal gift baskets, and beyond.

What items do you currently have in your Rosie cart?

We consume about 30 eggs a week, so lots of eggs. My cart always has a box or two of macaroni and cheese (which my bird, Roxy, also enjoys), and GT’s Synergy Trilogy kombucha.

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