How Heebs Scaled Up to Meet Demand

How Heebs Scaled Up to Meet Demand

Heebs Fresh Market is a family of dedicated employees committed to providing a positive, full-service, grocery experience. Established in 1947, Heebs is a locally owned Bozeman-born business that continues to serve the community under the unwavering leadership of Mitch and Sherri Bradley.

The Challenge

In recent weeks, order volume at Heebs was unlike anything the Bradley’s had seen before. Heebs went from averaging 4-5 orders daily to 50-60 - products were flying off the shelves, storage capabilities were limited, and communications with loyal customers were difficult to manage.

The Solution

However, when orders spiked, Sherri and her team were ready to answer shopper demand. Heeb’s partnership with Rosie meant customers had access to safe pick-up and delivery from the comfort of their homes. It also meant that Heebs could plan efficiently, both for staffing and product needs, using the tools Rosie provides. Finally, Heebs deployed an ecommerce-specific helpline and Rosie announcement panels alerting customers to product shortages and store updates to ensure proactive communications.


Be proactive in your communication. Don't assume shoppers have the knowledge they need. Sharing updates on your website and ecommerce platform helps keep everyone safe and informed.

Consider your future shopper. Stores can exceed customer expectations when they know what shoppers want before they do. Be open to new technology and how digital will impact shopper behavior.

Embrace flexibility; be agile. Expanded picking hours and reallocating staff were two ways Heebs scaled up to meet demand and allow for logistical efficiencies.

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